As part of the renowned festival the Nederlandse Dansdagen, we performed a special edition of our outdoor performance Blind Spot – created especially for Maastricht. In total, we gave 9 (sold-out) performances over the course of just 5 days.
Our performance mainly focused on the so-called Sphinxkwartier of the City, with its industrial look, and ended at the Hochterpoort, a medieval place of refuge for nuns.
Our dancers were Isabelle Nelson, Noëmi Wagner, Tijmen Teunissen, Ischa Statie and Josien Hennen also joined the cast as a ‘mover’.
We’re very proud to have made our NDD debut and to have also presented a booklet, in collaboration with Bureau Europa, about the locations of Blind Spot.
We hope to find some way to bring this performance back to Maastricht, so stay tuned!