In her newest dance production Unease, choreographer Jelena Kostić explores different forms of human discomfort: physical, mental and social. What do we as humans feel the urge to look away from? What situations do we prefer to avoid? Why do we value comfort and ease, and what happens when we actually enter into a state of discomfort and embrace what we encounter there? 

Unease begins in the foyer of the theatre, where audience and performers first meet. Then, the audience is led into a specially designed immersive theatrical space. Here, the dancers let the audience experience, in an immersive and intimate choreography, how embracing discomfort could lead to surprising experiences, growth and new insights. Expect an intimate, immersive and thought-provoking experience with ingredients from psychological thrillers.

Concept & Choreography Jelena Kostić
Dancers Blazej Jasinski, Noëmi Wagner, Tijmen Teunissen, Fleur Roks
Scenography Davy van Gerven
Lighting design Bart Verzellenberg
Dramaturgy Lou Cope
Artistic advice & repetiteur Judit Ruiz Onandi